Symptoms of Methadone Withdrawal

Most medical detoxes provide a tapering off of the drug, or reducing the user’s dosage over a period of weeks. This method reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms and is usually recommended over quitting “cold turkey.” However, tapering off the drug takes longer. Withdrawal can cause much discomfort, and the risk of returning to the use of other opiates can increase.

Symptoms of Methadone Withdrawal

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In rapid protocols, combinations of naloxone, nalmefene, and naltrexone are used to induce withdrawal, and clonidine and various adjuvant drugs are used to suppress withdrawal symptoms. Some rapid protocols use buprenorphine to suppress opioid withdrawal symptoms. Unmanaged methadone withdrawal poses significant health risks ranging from mild to severe.

Symptoms of Methadone Withdrawal

Treatment for Methadone Addiction

Since it’s a longer-lasting opioid, it remains in your system much longer than other opiates. This means withdrawal symptoms can be even more severe and take longer to present themselves. Below, we’ll provide a timeline of methadone withdrawal and what you can expect. Outpatient treatment is also an option for those whose methadone addictions have been diagnosed as minor by a substance abuse professional. Outpatient treatment is also generally recommended for those who have completed an inpatient program but are still new to sobriety.

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Symptomatic treatment (see Table 3) and supportive care are usually sufficient for management of mild opioid withdrawal. Opioids are drugs such as heroin, opium, morphine, codeine and methadone. Opioid withdrawal can be very uncomfortable and difficult for the patient. It is very common for people who complete withdrawal management to relapse to drug use. It is unrealistic to think that methadone prevents withdrawal symptoms from withdrawal management will lead to sustained abstinence. Rather, withdrawal management is an important first step before a patient commences psychosocial treatment.

Table 9

Withdrawal typically begins 1-2 days after the last dose, and continues for 2-4 weeks or longer. People who are not dependent on drugs will not experience withdrawal and hence do not need WM. Refer to the patient’s assessment to determine if he or she is dependent and requires WM. While specifics will vary from person to person, on average, the methadone dosage can be lowered between 10 percent and 50 percent at tailored intervals.

Symptoms of Methadone Withdrawal

Furthermore, some people may deceive their healthcare providers by exaggerating their pain or withdrawal symptoms in order to receive higher Methadone doses. Methadone abuse not only jeopardizes one’s health but also has the potential to perpetuate opioid addiction, making it critical to use this medication only as directed by a qualified healthcare provider. Because the withdrawal process can cause adverse symptoms, methadone users are advised to detox in a medical environment. Most inpatient and outpatient treatment programs offer medical detox, which can help reduce the severity of methadone withdrawal symptoms. In a clinical setting, doctors can use medications to help ease your withdrawal symptoms. Medications can help you manage cravings, anxiety, depression, pain, nausea, diarrhoea and sleep problems, significantly improving your detox experience.

  • Methadone use can be abruptly discontinued for a variety of reasons, including a desire to be free of opioid dependency, misconceptions about readiness to quit, or even external pressures.
  • Withdrawal is highly individual, and no two people will experience it in the same way.
  • Others may use Methadone without a valid medical prescription, which is frequently obtained illegally.

While methadone can cause dependence, it’s long-acting effects are what also help prevent physical withdrawal. Methadone is often used to help treat opioid dependence, but it can also cause withdrawal symptoms. Your health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history and drug use.

Symptoms of Methadone Withdrawal


Additionally, buprenorphine and methadone are controlled substances and not available in all settings. Thus, OWS should be medically managed in residential (non‐medical) treatment programs that may be hesitant or even opposed to using medications. Methadone use can be abruptly discontinued for a variety of reasons, including a desire to be free of opioid dependency, misconceptions about readiness to quit, or even external pressures. Methadone withdrawal, on the other hand, Sober living home can have profound and often distressing effects on the body. These physical and psychological effects can be overwhelming, increasing the risk of relapse as individuals seek relief from the discomfort by using Methadone or other opioids.

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